Getting a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and wellbeing. In recent years, many people have turned to cannabidiol (CBD), a derivative of cannabis, as a way to improve their sleep and reduce anxiety. Studies have shown that taking high doses of THC at night can lead to unwanted side effects the following day, such as memory problems and drowsiness. Abstinence from cannabis can also cause sleep-related side effects, such as strange dreams, difficulty falling asleep, and reduced time spent sleeping soundly.
Generally speaking, taking CBD for sleep is considered safe. However, experts caution that more research is needed to understand how CBD affects long-term health. CBD interacts with a network of receptors throughout the body known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is responsible for regulating functions such as pain, memory, and metabolism.
As a result, CBD has become increasingly popular as a way to manage certain sleep disorders and health conditions that can interfere with sleep.
Hemp plants
are grown for their fibers and their high levels of CBD that can be extracted to make oil. Marijuana plants grown for recreational use have higher THC concentrations compared to CBD. Since cannabis comes in many varieties and affects everyone differently, it may take some experimentation to find the format, dosage, and timing that works best for you.While the body naturally produces endocannabinoid molecules, external sources of cannabinoids like CBD can interact with the ECS.